Take The Long Way Home – Part Three

Moab is beautiful and therefore very busy so plan well, and plan ahead. You’ll be rewarded with some of the most incredible rock formations on the planet…
Take The Long Way Home – Part Two

Drive-Thru Tree – This fallen Redwood was made into ‘Drive-Thru Tree’ in Myer Flat CA and is part of Avenue Of The Giants scenic highway, a 40 mile drive that parallels US 101. Yep, pretty tight fit…
Take The Long Way Home – Part One

Now that winter is settling in around us and road trips are put on hold for the season, I thought the next best thing would be to dig through some travel photos. I’m probably about halfway through the tens of thousands of photos scattered about on backup drives, but here are a bunch of fun…
Species Jenga

I had a conversation with a stranger the other day. She said something that I’ve heard many times before but never really put much thought into, until now. Her exact words were “We’re at the top of the heap”. Most of the time it’s said “We’re at the top of the food chain” but either…

I recently went to a meditation workshop. I have a really hard time shutting my brain off and just ‘being’. I also have a really difficult time disconnecting from all the pain and suffering on Earth. I thought this would be a great place to learn some new techniques in surrendering to the weight of…
Heart & Skin

Just recently, Paul and I adopted two baby rats, Awe:ri and Ohna’. Awe:ri means heart in Mohawk and we chose this name because of the little brown fur heart she has on her back. Ohna’ means skin in Mohawk and she is a hairless. We fell in love with these two sisters the second we…
Road Trip 2012 – Part Five

After being stuck in rush hour style traffic in Yellowstone, Glacier and Teton National Park, we decided an escape from the crowds would be a much needed break. I really liked the idea of renting a cabin and we found a perfect place in the heart of the Bitteroot Valley. With a backdrop of snowy…
Road Trip 2012 – Part Four

A highlight from our last road trip was a quick stop in Badlands National Park. We made sure to spend another day this time around exploring. The landscape is so unbelievable, quiet and eerie. The Ranger program that night also turned out to be awesome! The talk that night was about the Lakota and star…
Road Trip 2012 – Part Three

It was cool to take a break from the road, visit family in Southern Ontario and see my sister graduate from Mohawk College. With two kids, a partner and a job, she still managed to put herself through school so she could do something she loves. I managed to snag a grad gown and get…
Road Trip 2012 – Part Two

Finally! The desert! We happily left the cold and rain and headed off to meet up with our friends Devon & Jade in Moab. It started off in typical Moab fashion – BUSY! We had nowhere to stay because the plan was to camp and there were no sites available. They were generous enough to…