Road Trip 2012 – Part One

I’ve been on quite the epic three month road trip. So much has happened that I needed to make this a five part post. I’d like to do something a bit different and highlight some extra photos – honestly, it can probably tell you a lot more about this trip than I can in words….
Humbled By Nature

I’ve traveled to some really awesome places and still, I find myself constantly drawn to the desert. Some people visit and consider it too hot, too cold, too barren – basically, too harsh. Yet for some reason, I’m in paradise. Sometimes it takes a bit of a step back if you can’t see it right…
A Fortunate Road

Sometimes I think we all need reminders of how lucky we are. Being on the road seems to always gift me with these constant souvenirs. Here I am wrapping up my three-month road trip shortly. I’m not looking forward to the end, but I can’t help but stop to appreciate being fortunate enough to travel…

Sometimes it takes the longest lit day of the year to shed light on your shadows. Thinking back on the last month and a bit of travel, looking at photos, tweets and blog posts reminds me that I need to live more in the moment. When you’ve got thousands of miles still ahead, it’s easy…
Until The Spotlight Burns

It’s no secret, I need to learn patience. I think that’s why I find so much peace in nature. Everything has a season, and all creatures respect the cycle of the seasons with beauty and grace. There is so much stillness even within the constant motion of life. But in everyday life, sometimes I feel…

So, for those of you who have been following our Airstream journey on twitter and other social media – it’s the end of an era. The Bambi has finally sold and we are back in a tent. Although I’m still trying to find the positive in our situation, or at least something to alleviate the…
In The Pines (Williams, Arizona)

The drive from Sedona to Williams Arizona is amazing – the smell of Ponderosa Pine is thick in the air. Stopping midway for fresh mountain spring water is such a treat, the taste of pure water is heaven. Our friend Richard (we met him on our honeymoon in Death Valley) lives in Williams and he’s…
Trust Your Journey (Sedona, Arizona)

We’ve been in Sedona for a few days now but I’ve unfortunately caught a bit of a bug so I’ve been spending most of it in a hotel room. Today is the first day that I’ve felt almost human again. First agenda – get outside! We went for a beautiful walk around Bell Rock and…
Sometimes (Moab, Utah)

Sometimes the best way to make a decision is to walk away, even if only for a little while, just to take a breath. Sometimes that’s all the clarity we need to make even the biggest decisions in life. I’m here in Moab Utah tonight… how do you even describe a place like this? Around…
Uncertainty Road

We’re now into the single digit countdown to the first big Airstream voyage. It’s been a pretty interesting journey to get here, and by interesting I mean extremely frustrating. Since the purchase of said Airstream, life has been stressful to say the least. It seems it’s been a fulltime job to deal with all the…