Louis Riel

Today is Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, but it’s a holiday worthy of celebration across Canada. His contribution to this country is priceless, and in many hearts, he was a hero. He took a stand against the government and lost his life for what he believed in – Freedom.

I remember being told from a very young age about Louis Riel and his fight for the Metis and First Nations rights. He is a great ancestor of mine and so I grew up with stories about my amazing cousin and I felt a real connection to his struggle. There are so many things in this life worth fighting for, and today, Louis Riel inspires me to believe – in myself and in my dreams.

It’s a great day to be reminded of strength, purpose and determination. We all possess these qualities and a unique voice to bring forth positive change in the world.

My people will sleep for one hundred years, but when they awake, it will be the artists who give them their spirit back. – Louis Riel

February 20, 2012

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I know! It gave me chills the first time I read it :)


That quote is awesome!


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